SHE was best known for tidying up after other people in her role Britain's best-loved chalet maid, but in her latest incarnation Su Pollard is creating havoc of her own.

For in her part as Ellen in hit comedy The Happy Medium at the Blackpool Grand, the ex Hi-de-Hi actress finds herself meddling in family affairs beyond the grave as she falls for the charms of the friendly neighbourhood spiritualist.

Still possessing the scatterbrained humour that made the nation dote on her as put-upon Peggy in the '80s holiday camp comedy, Su, 47 (''I'm not really 47 but that's what I tell everyone") says her new role should be a treat for families in the finest Blackpool tradition.

"It's very light-hearted," she said. "I would like to think I'm an across-the-board entertainer."

Indeed, Su's career post-Hi-de-Hi has included stints in TV's Gimme Gimme Gimme and stage versions of The Vagina Monologues and as Miss Hannigan in Annie.

Meanwhile, her dream role would be a part in BBC Two's Little Britain, in which she'd like to, "play all the male parts".

"I wouldn't say I'm wholesome," she said. "I'm quite happy to do anything as long as the material's good. If it doesn't offend me, I'll feel confident it won't offend most people."

Sadly, according to Su, inoffensive family entertainment is disappearing from our TV screens to be replaced by cheap, shock-value reality TV trash.

"Far too many stations are going down the Channel Four/ Channel Five route," she said.

"Stuff that even 10 years ago wasn't acceptable is now looked upon as fine. I'm quite broadminded, but some of it is just bad television."

Hence the return to regional theatre - where she began her career.

Su's own big break came on the TV talent show Opportunity Knocks in 1974, in which she came second to a singing Jack Russell but admits "I haven't done too badly since then!"

She certainly hasn't. In 1979 she got won the part of Peggy in Hi-de-Hi. The show ran for nine glorious years which Su still recalls fondly. "They were marvellous scripts and everybody was allowed to bring something of themselves to their roles," said Su. " I like to think I made Peggy somebody people could identify with. She tried her best, but she seemed to be thwarted at every turn."

Indeed, Hi-de-Hi is one of a small handful of British comedies whose popularity has yet to be equalled.

Catch Su in A Happy Medium at The Blackpool Grand from Monday to April 3. For tickets call 01253 290190.