READING Mr Finch's letter (LET, March 23) made me think about the recent suggestions for a regional assembly.

Firstly -- why do we need another layer of bureaucracy? We have Parliament at Westminster and we have our local councillors who are directly elected by us.

What will this proposed 21st century quango give us that we don't already have? -- Nothing!

Secondly -- why should Wilpshire, Langho, Mellor etc, want to be swallowed up by Blackburn with Darwen Council?

People in these areas live where they do through choice, the choice very often being not to live in Blackburn with Darwen.

Working in Blackburn I can't believe Blackburn with Darwen was Council of the Year. God help other councils if this is one of the best.

How can a council with more than one failing school be held up as something for other councils to aspire to?

Instead of wasting more tax payers money on the proposed Regional Assembly, use the money to help Blackburn with Darwen raise their standards in schools.

Leave us alone!

A WILSON (Mrs), Whalley Road, Langho.