THROUGHOUT the 1950s and early 60s I walked every other Saturday to Ewood Park along the canal bank from Cherry Tree to Mill Hill.

Rovers played Arsenal 10 days ago, so I suggested to my son that, for my first home game in some 25 years, we should make the nostalgic trip along the towpath. What a terrible mistake!

I could have wept to see the once uncluttered waterway full of wine bottles, plastic bags, plastic bottles, food trays, rotting vegetables (I hope that's what they were) all floating in filthy brown water through which nothing could be discerned save for the tops of wheelie bins, supermarket trolleys, and bicycles.

All the vegetation lining the canal was not only dead, but festooned with plastic for good measure. I dare say that the people who create such environmental disasters will not change their ways, but is that an excuse for the local authorities to say to hell with it and leave it in such a mess? The council should perhaps use those people doing community service to clean up the towpath for a start.

Some of the rubbish has, from the looks of it, been there for years. Clean up your act Blackburn! From the appalling state of the canal, it would seem that the yobs have won.

TONY MARTIN, Orchard Drive, Whittle-le-Woods.