POLICE timewasters are being warned they will be arrested and prosecuted if they make false crime reports.

The warning follows the conviction of a Radcliffe man who claimed he had been robbed by two men in the town centre on February 11. A police investigation confirmed he had made the story up.

At Bury Magistrates on Monday (March 22), David Edward O'Gara was made the subject of a 12-month rehabilitation order and ordered to pay £35 court costs after pleading guilty to knowingly and wilfully making a false statement to the police, and causing wasteful employment of police time.

O'Gara (51) of Coronation Gardens, Radcliffe, claimed he was walking along Short Street when he was approached from behind by two unknown males who pushed him to the ground.

The unemployed man claimed that one of his attackers held him round the neck before searching his pockets and stealing his mobile phone, cash and various types of medication, including controlled drugs.

After an investigation, PC Andy Wright, from Bury Division's Robbery Squad, realised the story did not ring true and O'Gara was arrested. During a search of his home, the officer found the supposedly stolen phone hidden in the kitchen.

When interviewed, O'Gara admitted lying about being robbed so that he could get more controlled drugs by telling his doctor the same story and presenting himself as being needy of further medication.

Following O'Gara's sentencing, Inspector John Aspray, who heads Bury's Operational Support Unit, said: "People who make false allegations divert my officers from investigating serious incidents and helping genuine victims.

"Anyone considering making bogus reports should take notice of this case. We will arrest people who make such bogus claims and those arrested and charged may face imprisonment."