THURSDAY'S transfer deadline came and went without any activity at Gigg Lane - and that's just the way manager Graham Barrow wanted it!

The club's financial situation scuppered any chance of bringing a fresh face into the fold, but the big danger was someone would make an offer for a current Shakers player the board would find it hard to refuse.

Twelve months ago Hartlepool began 'sniffing' around central defender Michael Nelson on deadline day, initially with a derisory offer that was turned down. They eventually secured his signature during the close season.

But the Shakers' chief doesn't need reminding just what a precarious few hours it can be before that 5pm cut-off point.

"It's always a strange day for a manager," explained Barrow.

"You could lose a player for the right reasons as far as the club is concerned but the wrong ones for the team.

"We really needed to keep the squad together for the run-in, we lost eight on the run over Christmas and although obviously we aren't thinking in those terms again, it shows that it can happen.

"You only have to lose one or two crucial players and you could be in trouble, especially as Dave Challinor looks likely to return to Stockport after another three games."

With the club a tantalising two points short of the accepted 50-point safety mark, nothing can be taken for granted.

The usual exodus of fringe and youth team players heading for non-league teams to the end of the season, failed to materialise, too.

Again, the thinking is the first team squad can ill-afford to be reduced any further, especially as, predictably, Barrow is keen for his side to finish as high in the table as possible.

"To be honest, we still need the younger lads around," added Barrow.

"Although we've been pretty lucky with injuries, if you look beyond the 16 on duty for the past few Saturdays, there isn't much left after that."