A MAN gashed his wife's head by flinging keys at her during a row, Burnley Magistrates heard.

The court was told that Nigel Hammond Green, 49, struck his victim twice and grabbed hold of her arms, causing bruising in the unprovoked attack.

His wife did not want him to go to prison and Green was said to be now looking after her after she suffered a nervous breakdown. Green, of Trent Road, Nelson, admitted assault by beating. He was given a six month community rehabilitation order and ordered to pay £250 compensation and £50 costs.

Andy Robinson, said the Greens had been out for the night, drunk about half a bottle of wine each and the defendant also had some lager. A dispute followed and Green hit his wife. Mrs Green suffered a one inch cut to her forehead after Green threw the keys at her. Green, who claimed his wife attacked him, had no previous convictions.

John Rusius, defending, said the couple had been arguing and screaming and Green accepted he struck the first blow and hit his wife twice. He was walking away when he threw the keys.