A PENDLE conservation group is appealing for action to repair a Grade II listed building in Nelson.

Spring Cottage, Manchester Road, has been designated a listed building but nearby residents fear it is being neglected .

Representatives from the Whitefield Conservation Action Group want the council to take "immediate and urgent" action.

They say rubbish is being dumped at the site of the manor house and that work to spruce up nearby shops and houses makes the building's poor state stand out even more.

Sylvia Wilson, secretary of the WCAG, said: "Since nearby houses and shops adjacent to Spring Cottage were revamped it is making the Manor House stand out like a sore thumb.

"Dumping is also occurring nearby as people are assuming that it is to be pulled down.

"In view of the circumstances and the state of the building, we feel that it is now a building at risk and that immediate repairs, to the roof especially, needs imminent and urgent attention.

"We request that Pendle Borough Council take whatever steps available to secure and safeguard this historical manor and oversee the work required to Grade II standard."

David Morris, conservation officer at Pendle Council, said the authority was determined to ensure improvement work was carried out on the early 19th century house.

He said: "We are speaking to the owners to find a solution."