A BUMPER turnout to the last in a series of Lenten lunches could give a charity a real blast.

St Margaret's Church in Prestwich, will hold its final lunch on Saturday between noon and 2pm in the Church House.

The £2 lunch is raising money for Christian Aid, which named two kilos of dynamite among its shopping list.

Other wanted items to benefit Third World projects include 100kg of chick peas, four sacks of cement, materials for a toilet and vegetable gardening training for nine women.

Three previous lunches have catered for around 120 people and organisers are hoping to top the 200-mark. On the menu is homemade soup, apple pie and cream, and coffee and tea.

In the evening, St Margaret's Rose Queen Hannah Ogden will be holding her "At Home In the Church" event, starting at 7pm, where she will be entertaining visiting queens from other churches.

As part of its Lenten programme, St Margaret's Church Choir will be performing "The Crucifixion" by John Stainer, with guest soloists Janet Fischer and Tom Eaglen on Saturday April 3. Directed by Anton East, the concert begins at 7pm. Admission is £3.50 on the door.