A HEADTEACHER today called on education chiefs to stump up extra sports facilities at his school.

Frank Havard, of Hollins Technology College, Accrington, made his call to the Local Education Authority (LEA) after being told his school fails to meet national curriculum requirements for sport.

Ofsted inspectors visited the school in January and were concerned that the Hollins Lane college had very limited indoor facilities for physical education - which meant it failed to meet statutory requirements for pupils in Year 7 to 9.

However, the college was praised for changing its status since 2001 to a technology college which was "an important catalyst for change".

Hollins is the only secondary school in Hyndburn without a sports hall, or at least one at the planning stage.

And previous bids with the New Opportunities Fund to pay for a hall have failed. But now the education watchdog has ruled the situation is a "statutory breach of requirements".

Head Mr Havard said: "I will be asking the LEA but I know they have not got the cash and can't deliver. We need £1.2million for a new sports hall and the school certainly can't raise that amount of money.

"I feel very short-changed but hopefully now the Ofsted inspectors have pin pointed the problem someone somewhere will listen.

"The Government has put such a high priority on sports but what can we do?"

Leadership of the school was praised and Mr Havard was described as a good leader and teachers were said to have high expectations of work and behaviour.

Inspectors said in the report: "It is in the role in the community that real strengths lie. The headteacher has been inspirational."

Chairwoman of governors, Heather Pitman, said: "We are very pleased with the positive report and believe that it is a testament to the hard work of the staff and pupils.

"Hollins is a very successful school and I thank the parents for their continued support."