FIRST-time exporters in Bury could benefit as the European trading doors are set to open wider.

According to international trade advisers at Business Link North Manchester, British goods have never been more in demand. And with the imminent expansion of the European Union (EU), there will soon be even more opportunities for first-time exporters.

Although there are plenty of export opportunities around the world, exporting within the EU can be advantageous for a number of reasons, including the fact that the single market allows goods, capital and people to move largely unrestricted through member states.

The EU currently has 15 member states. A further ten countries will join in May. They are: Cyprus, the Czech Republic, Estonia, Hungary, Latvia, Lithuania, Malta, Poland, Slovakia and Slovenia.

According to UK Trade & Investment, the Government organisation that helps UK businesses export, the enlargement will give member states access to more than 450 million consumers. It will also make the EU the world's largest single marketplace, bigger than the US and Japan combined.

To find out more about exporting, call Business Link North Manchester on 0845 608 3388.