STAN Ternent has never been scared of firing a few bullets.

But the Burnley manager has threatened to call in the experts unless his players live up to their potential and pull clear of relegation.

"I have said to the players we should be shot at dawn if we don't stay up," said Ternent on the eve of the crucial relegation battle at Bradford.

"No-one likes being in the bottom three, but we have no-one to blame but ourselves. It would be ridiculous because we are more more than good enough with the players we have.

"But I know in my bones we won't be relegated. I just know it."

Ternent, who yesterday bolstered his squad with the deadline day loan captures of Dele Adebola and Lenny Johnrose, added: "We are in the bottom three, but there's a fifth of the season still to play and every match is a challenge.

"We have to win three or four of them, but if you look at the fixtures - with respect to the teams we have to play - there is not a side we aren't capable of beating.

"All season there has not been one completely outstanding team in the division, and the difference between where we are and those looking at the play-offs is maybe four wins.

"That's how tight it is 37 games in and it will go like that until the end of the season.

"We have only lost two league games since Christmas and the reason we are not out of it is dodgy decisions.

"We've also hit the post more than any other team in the country and we haven't had a penalty since Methuselah was a kid!

"All those things have conspired against us, but you have to keep on. We have the quality players and we will be fine."

A bizarre twist of fate pits Ternent face to face with referee Graham Laws tomorrow in the aftermath of his four-match ban and £3,000 fine incurred for 'improper conduct' towards the Tyne and Wear official in January.

Clarets chief Ternent has vowed to take his punishment on the chin - and does not expect any simmering repercussions at the Valley Parade reunion.

He said: "I didn't go for a personal hearing because the last time I went for one it cost me twice as much.

"It's just the same old story all the time - the referee has a poor performance, I said something to him and he accused me of swearing, which I didn't.

"He told me I was of embarrassing him, but when it came back it was something different and it's cost me £3,000 and four games up in the stands.

"I have no control over who the referee is for games though. I'm just better saying nothing to him or else it will cost me another few quid.

"They tell me they don't hold grudges, and he's a policeman, so you have got to believe him!"

Looking forward to the game itself, Ternent added: "We both need the points. Bradford will think they still have a chance of getting out of it and we know we have, so it's a massive game for both of us."