INVESTIGATIONS are continuing into a fire that claimed the life of a 53-year-old woman and her pet dog.

A week after the blaze in Dalton Avenue, Whitefield, police are still trying to establish the cause of the fire which killed Miss Ruth Shapiro.

Miss Shapiro was discovered by firefighters in an armchair in a ground floor reception room, having suffered the effects of smoke inhilation.

Fire crews from Whitefield, Bury and Broughton attended the scene on Thursday last week after reports of a fire inside the kitchen door.

A joint police and fire investigation was launched and scenes of crime officers searched the house thoroughly for any clues as to how the fire started.

DI Simon Collier, of Whitefield CID, said: "We are still investigating the incident but as yet have not managed to establish the cause of the fire. We are not treating the fire as suspicious at this moment but we would like to hear from anyone who has any information."

DI Collier also thanked Miss Shapiro's neighbours and friends who had already contacted him with information.

Miss Shapiro, who was found with her pet, Rebel, at her side, was described by neighbours as eccentric and well-liked.

Having worked in fashion shops most of her life, she was renowned for her distinctive sense of style and could often be seen wearing a leopard print coat.

A former King David High School pupil, Miss Shapiro had an interest in drama teaching and elocution -- and she loved Elvis Presley.

She lived in Dalton Avenue for 40 years and had an older sister, who travelled from London to attend her funeral.

Miss Shapiro was buried at Rainsough Jewish Cemetery, Butterstile Lane on Monday.

Anyone with information about the fire can contact DI Collier on 0161 856 8243.