PROPOSALS to turn parts of Prestwich and Whitefield into official conservation areas have received the support of residents.

However, some people fear the new status will attract more crime to streets included in the scheme.

As reported in November, town hall bosses want to preserve some of the finest buildings from the Victorian and Edwardian eras in two areas in the south of the borough.

If the plans go ahead, they will join the nine other conservation areas in the borough and be subject to tighter controls over the demolition of buildings, removal of trees, alterations to windows and doors, extension plans and erection of satellite dishes.

At present there is only one conservation area in south Bury, which is St Mary's Park.

Prestwich's second designated area would become Poppythorn Conservation Area, which includes houses in Glebelands Road, Nursery Road, Langley Road, Guest Road and Poppythorn Lane.

Following consultation with residents, the boundary has been altered to exclude Elm Grove and a section of Glebelands Road as it meets Heywood Road.

It was thought that some of the houses in these sections should not be included in the conservation area as they were built in the 1920s and 1930s.

The proposed All Saints Conservation Area in Whitefield would be dominated by the grade 1 listed All Saint's Church and include buildings along Church Lane, Hamilton Road, Pinfold Lane and parts of Ringley Road, Bury New Road and Higher Lane.

During the consultation exercise, one third of residents in each area responded to a leaflet distributed by the council. Of that amount 85 per cent were in favour in Prestwich and 97 per cent in Whitefield.

Speaking at Prestwich Area Board, one woman, whose house had been excluded from the conservation area following the boundary changes, said: "What extra security will we get now it is a conservation area? It is an invitation to thieves to come and steal from the area. A neighbour of mine had stones stolen from the top of her wall, which must have been stolen to order."

The woman was assured that a designated conservation area does not attract any more crime than usual.

Tom Gribben, landlord of the Church Inn, said: "I live in St Mary's conservation area and have 17th century cobbles in my back garden. No one has stolen them and I don't think people will come especially to steal things."

His views were reiterated by Coun Vic D'Albert, who also lives in the conservation area. He said: "Occasionally people will pinch something of value, but the area of Glebelands Road is already well known around Prestwich. I don't think this will highlight it any more."

Members of the area board agreed to the change in boundary for Poppythorn Conservation Area and the support of both area boards and the results of the consultation will be reported to the executive committee on March 31.