RAMSBOTTOM United have been rocked by a bitter war of words between Vince Overson and Danny Heys.

Boss Overson sacked the winger from the club after he kicked a chair over the advertising hoardings when he was substituted during United's 6-2 defeat at Trafford on Tuesday.

Heys then posted a sensational parting shot on the Ramsbottom website in which he accused Overson of having "a pea for a brain".

He also described the way he was treated on Tuesday as "disgusting and degrading" but the manager hit back by calling the player "an embarrassment".

Heys told the Lancashire Evening Telegraph: "No-one had a good game on Tuesday so to single out one person is not on.

"I was totally out of order kicking the chair, it was frustration more than anything. But it was the way Vince went about it and threw me out of the club, after I'd been there all season and given them 100 per cent, that I was upset about.

"Colne put seven days notice on me three weeks ago but Vince came to me and said he wanted me to stay and be part of his plans. Now he's turned round and slaughtered me.

"I don't feel I got a chance to speak to him so that's why I went on the website. But I've moved on now and I'm not bitter."

Overson responded by saying: "To go on the website with this stuff shows him up for the man he isn't.

"He's sulked his way through the season and when he was substituted he kicked a chair with the chairman, secretary and supporters five yards away.

"It was a disgrace and I asked him to leave the dug out and go down the tunnel but he wouldn't. He let the players down and was an embarrassment to the club.

"Yes, I gave him a rollicking, I'm not denying that but what does he expect, a pat on the back?

"I gave him another chance three weeks ago and he's come in and had one decent game. But he was back to his usual non-committed self on Tuesday."

Overson is insisting morale is still good in the squad ahead of tomorrow's League Challenge Cup semi-final first leg at home to Newcastle Town, despite the row that broke out following Heys' actions.

The boss also says that confidence is high, especially given that Ramsbottom beat Newcastle 2-1 last week.

"It's an important game for us," said Overson. "The players are looking forward to it and we're confident we can get a result to take to Newcastle.

"We beat them 2-1 and it could have been three or four, but then we go and get beat 6-2. But that seems to be the way it's going through the division.

"The lads will have their say on what went wrong and I'll listen and we'll go from there. But they will be up for it."

Ramsbottom have no injury concerns ahead of the tie, although Liam Boden and Lee Buggie are cup-tied.