THERE was first hand experience of the world of work at Radcliffe High School when staff and students from Bury College paid a visit.

Visitors brought along equipment and expertise to showcase a wide range of vocational career options.

More than 15 subject areas, including business, textiles, science and engineering were on show for 260 pupils, including those from Coney Green.

There was the chance to learn about computers from the inside out for technically minded youngsters, who were given a guided tour of the home computer.

And a sizzling demonstration for catering studies featured flambee pancakes as a taster of what the college has to offer.

For appearance-conscious pupils there was even the opportunity to enjoy a manicure with a hair and beauty demonstration.

Tim Robson, the curriculum development manager at Bury College, said: "The day was designed to help young people explore the full and exciting range of career opportunities available.

"We hope it will help them to make an informed decision about their possible future career."