BURY pool ace Simon Fitzsimmons enjoyed a fine start to his international career when he made his debut for England under-18s recently.

The 17-year-old former Derby School pupil teamed up with the national squad in a tournament in Jersey.

National manager Les Church said he was "very pleased" with the youngster's display at the event and no wonder!

As well as playing his part in his country's success in winning the tournament by beating Wales in the final, Simon also reached the final of the individual championship, defeating opponents from Wales, Jersey and France, as well as one of his England teammates, before going down to England captain Adam Davies of Staffordshire.

He followed that up by captaining Lancashire to success in the All England Inter-County Pool Finals at Great Yarmouth.

It was a superb achievement for the county squad that defeated Kent 23-20 in the final and saw off big rivals West Yorkshire in the semi-finals, after finishing second to them in the qualifying group.

Simon, who won the players' player of the year award from his Lancashire teammates, now turns his attentions to the World Championships to be played at the Hilton Hotel, Blackpool in May.