A 32-YEAR-OLD man told magistrates he stole to feed himself and his dog after spending the last of his money on a day out with his children.

Steven Robert Carroll apologised to the court for the trouble he had caused and said he did not want the services of the duty solicitor because he felt he had already wasted enough taxpayers' money.

Carroll, of Wyre Crescent, Darwen, pleaded guilty to stealing from Somerfield. He also admitted being in breach of a conditional discharge in January for shoplifting. The case was adjourned for a pre-sentence report and Carroll was remanded on bail.

Carroll told the court the day before the offence he had taken his children out for the day.

"I spent more than I should have and the following day I was desperate," said Carroll. "I knew I had to go the weekend without certain things, such as dog food and food for me and my son."