A WOMAN had to be rescued by firefighters after accidentally locking herself in a bedroom.

A fire brigade spokesman said the victim was forced to shout for help from a bedroom window at her home in Starkie Street, Darwen, after being locked in an upstairs room with two children.

The woman, who has not been named, was said to be decorating the room when one of her children slammed the bedroom door shut.

Unable to force open a latch, she shouted for help from neighbours. The fire brigade said that after unsuccesful attempts to free the woman, the neighbours then called the emergency services.

The woman was eventually freed by firefighters who removed a lock from the bedroom door.

The spokesman said: "She was a little bit embarrassed but there was no way she would have been able to get the door open.

"We had to take the lock off and dismantle the handle while forcing the door from the other side."