GANGS of youths who use a Darwen school playground at night are making life "hell" for people living nearby, it is claimed.

Residents close to St Peter's Primary School, in Turncroft Road, pleaded with Blackburn with Darwen Council not to allow the school to extend its playground area because of juvenile disorder. But planning councillors allowed the extension.

Residents complained of noise and nuisance of unruly youths who use the school grounds during the evenings. Resident Richard Clayton told the planning committee that gangs were "making life hell" for them.

He said: "I don't want to stop the school improving its resources for children but we have gangs gathering in the school grounds almost daily. They play football, drink and some do drugs, with loud music playing well into the night."

Mr Clayton and a neighbour raised objections and councillors Kevin Connor and Christopher Thayne wrote on behalf of residents to protest against the plans. The councillors said they were disappointed the school did not consult residents before submitting its application.

But Peter Jackson, a governor at the school, said St Peter's needed a larger play area because pupil numbers had increased.

He added: "We need to facilitate children during lunch and play times and the area being extended is away from all the residential properties. I do not deny we have had people using it outside class time but it is an area that is needed vitally."

Coun Andy Kay promised to pass concerns of residents on to the council's crime and disorder team, but added: "We are talking about a minor extension. The issues about nuisance and disorder are for the police."