A HASLINGDEN man who broke into two Rossendale clubs is behind bars facing a possible jail term.

Burnley magistrates heard Wayne Banham, 34, struck at Spring Terrace Working Men's Club, Rawtenstall, and the town's Conservative Club.

Banham, of Parkinson Street, Haslingden, a £30-a-day heroin addict living on benefits, admitted two charges of burglary and was remanded in custody until April 14 for a pre-sentence report.

Carl Gaffney, prosecuting, told the court Banham first broke into Spring Terrace on Haslingden Road, between February 17 and 18. A rear emergency exit door was forced and the defendant made off with £40.

Banham then targeted Rawtenstall Conservative Club, in Grange Crescent, breaking roof tiles to get in. The club's alarm was disabled by a control panel being smashed and the defendant went into the bar and helped himself to £34.

Mr Gaffney said the offence showed more effort, more desperation and a degree of expertise.

Bill Rawstron, defending, said Banham had a drug problem, which needed intervention, and had decided the time was right to admit what he had done.