A WIDOW has thanked police and paramedics as they received commendations following their attempts at saving her husband's life.

Martin Bibby's wife, Gail, of Lower Darwen, praised PC Steve Finley, PC David Hall, ambulance technicians Peter Glenholmes and Philip Wilson, and paramedic Mike Brooke for their efforts at a presentation at Greenbank police station, Whitebirk yesterday.

She said: "My family are very thankful and proud that they tried to help Martin. I know they did their best and I am certain Martin would be thankful also."

Mr Bibby, 47, fractured his skull on a kerb after being punched by workmate Ricki Hickmott on September 28 last year during a night out.

For 20 minutes PC Finley pumped Mr Bibby's chest while PC Hall attempted mouth-to-mouth resuscitation.

PC Hall said: "I feel mixed emotions at this award, it would have been nice if he survived."

PC Finley added: "I am pleased we have won the award, but sorry we couldn't have saved him."

Mr Brooke, speaking on behalf of Mr Wilson and Mr Glenholmes, said: "It is not over and above our normal duties, but the police didn't have to do that. We are paid to do that. It is the two police officers who helped."

Mr Hickmott was charged with manslaughter, but the case was later dropped. Coroner Michael Singleton recorded a verdict of accidental death.