A 27-YEAR-OLD man who died instantly when he was hit by an express train left behind a legacy of love.

Christopher Wilson's girlfriend was in the very early stages of pregnancy when he was killed as he took a short cut across the railway lines near Mill Hill station.

And speaking after the inquest into his death, Laura Howatson revealed that their baby daughter is due to be born in July, eight months after the death of her father.

Christopher, of Heatley Close, Blackburn, and Laura suspected she was pregnant but it had not been confirmed when he died on December 15.

His mother, Ann Wilson, said he was desperately hoping their suspicions would be confirmed.

"He was secretly very excited," said Mrs Wilson, of Cattle Street, Great Harwood.

"Christopher had his problems in the past but he was looking forward and everything was looking good for him.

"He and Laura had only moved into their house in November and they were busy decorating and getting it how they wanted it.

"Christopher has a daughter by a previous relationship and they were decorating a bedroom so she could stay with them."

Mrs Wilson said her son moved away from Great Harwood to make a fresh start after being beaten up by drug dealers whom he refused to work for.

"He was so happy and he was thrilled to bits with the prospect of a new baby," said Mrs Wilson.

"They were talking about prams and things like that, so there wasn't much doubt."

The inquest heard that Christopher had been drinking with a friend, Keiran Chatburn, on the day of his death and a post-mortem examination had revealed he was more than six times the legal drink-drive limit.

They had been into town in the afternoon and on the way home Christopher had acquired a bottle of vodka. After drinking most of it, the two of them had left Christopher's home telling Laura they wouldn't be long.

Mr Chatburn said they had climbed over gates on to the railway and were heading towards Mill Hill station from Blackburn, walking between the tracks with Christopher in front.

He said that he suddenly became aware of a noise and looked round to see a train just 12ft from him. He jumped over the track and at the same time shouted to his friend.

He told the inquest that he managed to grab hold of his friend's right arm but in that instant he "disappeared".

Mr Chatburn said: "All I could see was his baseball cap floating."

He became hysterical and ran back to his home and got his girlfriend to raise the alarm.

Train driver Austin Daniels said the Leeds to Blackpool express would have been doing 50 mph as he drove it towards Mill Hill station.

He suddenly saw two figures on the track in front of him and in almost the same instant felt an impact. He assumed he had hit both men.

Mr Daniels applied the emergency brake and stopped 400 metres down the line.

Mr Wilson's body was found wrapped around the axle of the train. His training shoes were found at the point of impact.

A post-mortem report revealed a blood alcohol level of 482 compared with the legal drink-driving limit of 80.

The pathologist said this level would have resulted in severe intoxification, muscular inco-ordination, blurred vision and stupor.

The medical cause of death was given as multiple injuries and coroner Michael Singleton recorded a verdict of accidental death.

He said he had no doubt there was more than one victim of the incident.

"I have seen the photographs and I have no doubt those involved will have memories of this incident that will live with them forever."