I AM sorry that my support for the elderly of Bury has upset Mr Slingsby (Letters, March 16).

To put the record straight, I have been a councillor for only two years but I did have a professional career in caring. And if only Mr Slingsby would take off the blinkers he might see how Labour's policies are improving the lives of our elderly.

Across the country older people have consistently said they don't want to go into residential care unless there is no alternative. In Bury we are responding and are supported by local doctors. Yes, we are providing real alternatives and preventing "bed blocking".

The Home Care Service is being improved and extended. There is a better range of sheltered and extra care accommodation. Day care provision is increasing. And we have just announced a review of the community meals service. Already we have luncheon clubs and soon the home delivery service will be available more frequently and to more people. By the way, only Labour councillors are committed to these measures, as shown by recent votes in council.

Surely our policies demonstrate real care and respect for the elderly.