A LOCAL heritage group have launched a wide-ranging audit of historical buildings and places of interest in the Rossendale Valley.

The study will look at the character of the existing conservation areas in the borough and research the background of individual historic buildings.

In a bid to accomplish the goals of the study the Civic Trust are hoping to appoint a conservation officer for the borough to help co-ordinate activities.

Kathy Fishwick, secretary of Rossendale Civic Trust, said: "A meeting is being held on Tuesday to launch the conservation area project for the whole of Rossendale.

"We currently have no conservation officer and we are throwing it open to people who live in these areas.

"The appraisal will also look at the background history of various places, individual buildings and special features in the Valley. The appraisal is all about helping people to come to understand conservation areas and their rich historic importance.

"When it is completed we will approach Rossendale Council to see if it can be included in planning guidance as part of the District Plan which will set out what is going to be done in the area for the next 20 years."

Areas to be looked at during the appraisal are Goodshaw Fold, Loveclough Fold, Higher Cloughfold, Irwell Vale, Chatterton and Strongstry, Whitworth Square and Bacup and Rawtenstall town centres.

The appraisal will also look at getting new areas in Rossendale designated as conservation areas.

For anyone interested in getting involved, a programme is being drawn up, and a launch meeting is being held at Longholme Primary School, Bacup Road, Rawtenstall, on Tuesday, April 20, at 7.30pm.

To find out more about the project contact Kathy Fishwick on 01706 229937.