FOSTERING and adoption workers used a market stall in a bid to find new homes for almost 300 children.

Blackburn with Darwen Council has launched a major recruitment drive as a shortage of carers means a some children now have to be homed outside of the borough.

The move to increase the number of foster carers from 115 comes in the run up to Foster Carers' Fortnight, from May 10 to 23.

Members of the council's fostering and adoption team set up a display at Blackburn Market to attract more people to care for foster children.

There are plans for many more displays in the coming months at a variety of locations including supermarkets, Ewood Park and at this year's Mela and Arts in the Park, due to be held in Corporation Park.

Foster carers can offer short-term respite during difficult times for a few hours a week, or longer-term care.

But there is a national shortage of foster carers with a need for an additional 8,000 to help care for the 50,000 children and young people being looked after by foster carers at any one time.

Jane Partington, a recruitment officer for the council's Family Placement Team, said: "As part of the campaign we sent leaflets out with the council tax bills and also have posters up in all the council buildings.

"We have had 45 inquiries since the middle of March and hope for more.

"A good carer can make a real difference to a child's life but more are needed to meet the needs of different young people.

"A bigger pool of carers allows the fostering team to make better matches between carers and children, which means better care and more stability for the young person."

Foster parents are provided with the information, training, financial and other support that they need for the role.

There are regular support groups before a final decision is made to prepare potential foster carers for their new role. They also have an assigned social worker to support them.

Coun Maureen Bateson, executive member for social services, said: "This recruitment will be good for the foster children of Blackburn with Darwen.

"There are children out there who need the additional support that fostering can give and who will in turn greatly benefit from it, as statistics have shown.

"Foster care brings rewards for foster carers too."

Anyone interested in foster care can call free on 0800 328 6919.