SO-CALLED reality TV has taken over the airwaves in the past few years. And as programme makers compete with each other to come up with a series more "thrilling" or "exciting" than the last, normal boundaries of taste and common sense have disappeared.

The result is cheaply-made programmes which can only be described as moronic and positively harmful for the health of the nation.

The effects of TV and videos generally on adults as well as impressionable youngsters are well documented.

People have been killed or injured over the years in all kinds of accidents and criminal escapades which have mirrored film plots or TV series.

But it is difficult to think of anything to compare with the sort of stupid, life-threatening stunts a group of East Lancashire teenagers have been filming, spawned by the TV programme 'Jackass'.

Children have been literally mutilating themselves on their own website as they attempt to reproduce or go one better than the sort of antics highlighted on their TV screens.

Controlling the content of internet websites is a worldwide problem with no simple solution.

But TV is a different matter. Programme makers cannot hide behind "don't do this at home" statements. This programme should taken off air now.