COUNCIL cleaners have promised to keep on top of the rubbish problem afflicting the Mosses area of Bury.

The pledge follows a successful weekend blitz on garbage carried out in partnership with Irwell Valley Housing Association.

Bulky waste was removed and residents regularly filled up two large skips in Spring Street and on land next to Shepherd Street.

Councillor Stella Smith, executive member for environment and transport, said: "The operation saw a great deal of waste removed from the area following increasing concerns about the amount of fly-tipping taking place in alleyways and back streets.

"The council will continue its work by monitoring the area and by mailing a follow-up letter to all residents outlining the legal consequences of dumping waste in the street."

Residents are urged to report fly-tipping by phoning 253 5566, and the council says it will prosecute offenders where it can.