THE April meeting of the Men's Group has been moved to the April 27 to accommodate Easter.

There will be a talk by PC Peter Wareing about drugs. The May meeting is the annual meeting and takes place on May 11 with a quiz. On May 15 it's the annual dinner at Colne Golf Club.

A PLANNING application for two non-illuminated shop fascia signs for 13-15 Church Square has been received. The information submitted with the application can be seen at the Planning Department, Parker Lane.

PARISH councillors were taken by surprise to learn that the borough council's executive member for resources and best value had questioned the demand for public toilets in Worsthorne.

Council officers were instructed to obtain evidence of need from the Ramblers Association. CounAlan Lawson pointed out that it was not only ramblers who used the toilets but also the police, bus drivers, taxi drivers and cyclists.

The parish clerk is to write again to the borough council pointing out the many kinds of groups and individuals who make use of the conveniences, especially during the summer months. The clerk is also to request that additional public toilets be provided in Hurstwood.