IN response to the letter (LET, May 12) there are a few facts Mr Hodgson may wish to digest. So a few Iraqis may have been roughed up a bit by British troops in Iraq, big deal!

Lets remember that Islamic countries stood back for nearly three decades and did nothing while Saddam's regime tortured, abused and murdered hundreds of thousands of their fellow Muslims.

They then stood by while his troops spent five months doing the same to tens of thousands of Kuwaitis, then came into the war on the coat-tails of us and the Americans after we had done all the dangerous dirty work (again).

The same in Bosnia when British and American troops went in to protect Muslims there.

It is estimated 2.5 million innocent men, women and children may have died as a direct result of UN sanctions in Iraq while Saddam played games with the UN. Maybe Mr Hodgson and the rest of the anti war brigade would rather this continued for another decade. Are millions of deaths OK as long as we don't have to see them on our TV screens?

J FOWLER (Mr), Blackburn Road, Great Harwood.