SO THE secretary "Save Our Shore Line", (Citizen letter May 5), says Tom Roberts has no idea what a good job the European Union are doing for our shore line.

It is a known fact that a bottle containing a note was thrown from a boat 80 miles south of Ireland, weeks later it was found on a Southport beach.

This area is known as the Western approaches and is one of the busiest shipping lanes in the world with ships going to and from Rotterdam and Antwerp, the two largest container terminals in Europe, with any rubbish thrown overboard ending up on our beaches.

So I don't see why our retired pensioners living on this coast should pay high water rate bills to help clean up the rubbish, which is none of our making, but ends up on our beaches.

Instead of the European Union imposing fines on us, Chris Davies MEP should tell his colleagues in Brussels to come and clear the mess up, which they are partly responsible for.

As for the sewerage, we British are quite capable of dealing with this in our own time, without Chris Davies and his EU directives bankrupting us.

Tom Roberts, Norbreck Rd