TNT is donating cash for questions!

The express delivery service company employees have earned more than pennies for their thoughts. For they raised thousands of pounds for charity by completing a firm's questionnaire.

Staff at the Ramsbottom depot in Railway Street answered questions on employee satisfaction and health and safety to raise more than £6,000 for disabled and disadvantaged youngsters.

Employees at the depot helped to swell the coffers of the Wooden Spoon children's charity by simply filling in TNT's annual People Survey.

The caring company pledged to donate £1 for everyone who completed the staff questionnaire and managers were thrilled when the fundraising total hit £6,415.

Ramsbottom depot manager Eddie O'Donnell said: "I am very pleased that people took the time to fill in the employee questionnaire. Not only have they generated funds for such a worthwhile cause, but their views will help the company retain a high calibre staff, so vital to its future".

Nationwide, TNT teams have already raised £850,000 for the Wooden Spoon are on course to break through the magical £1 million barrier later this year.