A CAMPAIGN has been launched to get better sports and community facilities in Whalley.

Trustees of the Queen Elizabeth II sportsground are calling on members of the community to rally behind their plans.

They said that they stand a better chance of being successful and obtaining outside funding - such as Lottery cash - if they present a united front.

In the past several schemes have been vying for funding, which has ultimately resulted in the area getting nothing.

Under the plans, still on the drawing board but presented to Whalley Parish Council for their backing, the ground's existing sports facilities would be radically improved.

The existing cricket pavilion would be upgraded to provide changing, kitchen and social facilities for existing sports users and also for the community, said John Smith, from the Trustees.

The cost of the scheme depends on the level of support and the funding available.

Mr Smith, who runs outdoor activities shop Whalley Warm and Dry in King Street, said: "A new building next to the pavilion would be built to provide the first premises in the village for the use of young people in the village and the communities surrounding it.

"It is important that it caters for the whole community because there is no Ribble Valley Council money available for 'sport only' and we are more likely to secure funding if we can show it will help achieve a reduction in anti-social elements not currently connected to sport.

"It is important also that the whole community works together. There is no room for selfishness, politics or ego, we just want to improve the village and not miss out again."

Whalley Parish Council has agreed to support the project, and parish councillors believe it could also provide a solution to the village's parking problems if a small long-stay car park was provided on the site.