I HAVE read a leaflet giving information about the planned North West Assembly but nowhere on it can I find out what is going to happen to the many town, city and county halls in the region - or the people who are employed in them.

How many town clerks, chief planning officers, borough engineers and chief environmental health officers will be made redundant or trans-ferred into the new assembly system?

With the cost of the Scottish Parliament buildings rising from an original estimate of around £40 million to £140 million at the last count, I think the cost of setting up a North West Assembly will go the same way - rapidly increasing from the figure of £30 million we are given now to more than £100 million.

Running costs, which are estimated now at £25 million, will also go up to £87 million.

For this and other reasons I will not be voting for a regional assembly when the time comes.

A Peel, Morecambe.