HOW sad that M Hardy from Manchester wants to tarnish the memory of the D-Day landings to launch a cheap political attack on me (Citizen Letters, last week).

My uncle aged only 20 and serving with the South Lancashire Regiment was killed in the Normandy campaign and I am upset that Mr Hardy can even think of linking the brave sacrifice of these young men with a discussion on Iraq.

For the record and because Mr Hardy clearly did not listen properly at the public meeting in Manchester, my complaint is about state terrorism.

The war in Iraq is illegal under international law, the deaths of 20,000 civilians have involved clear breaches of the Geneva Convention and British troops should not be there.

Our soldiers should be brought home immediately and replaced with a UN peacekeeping force.

Mr Hardy should be ashamed of himself for (a) not listening properly, and (b) exploiting the memory of D-Day for his own political ends.

Cllr John Whitelegg, Green Party.