HAVE the Conservative members on Blackburn Council gone mad? Why on earth are they thinking of getting into bed with a bunch of mavericks who cannot be trusted.

They have told voters a pack of lies and betrayed them along with anyone who supported them.

How many times will they threaten to bring the council down when they don't get their own way?

Instead of having a strong negotiating hand the Conservative group have shown how poor they are and devoid of leadership because it is they who will be at the mercy of the six.

This situation is a real life soap opera and I give the coalition a month before Councillor Hussain starts to try and throw his weight around again, thinking he is more important than he actually is.

When Labour gets over the shock they will be laughing all the way to the ballot box next year as they show voters how Blackburn Council has gone from excellent to poor in the space of a year.

If I was a Conservative councillor, I would now be questioning the judgement of their leader, Councillor Rigby.

IAN HENRY, East Park Road, Blackburn.