I HAVE a cunning plan. At the next European elections I wish to become a Labour MEP, but fearing that with the growth in popularity of the UKIP party I may not be elected, I will stand as a UKIP candidate.

On the day of the count I will declare that I have changed my allegiance to the Labour Party, thus achieving my original aim.

To hell with those who voted for me to help bring us out of Europe.

Cheating the electorate? Too far-fetched an idea? Think again. This happened in Blackburn at the local elections.

The six councillors voted in under the Labour Party flag drop out of the party, become independents, and offer their support to any other party which may want them.

To hell with the electorate; to hell with democracy.

The only party to come out of this sorry saga with any credit is the Conservative Party.

The chief executive and his staff, especially those in the electoral registration department, do a marvellous job trying to maintain fairness and impartiality, even working through the night on election day and back at work for the count on Friday. They must be very disappointed at this stage of affairs.

MICHAEL BRIGGS, Preston Old Road, Blackburn.