LET me make a predication, the new power sharing executive of Blackburn with Darwen Council will make a pledge to keep council tax rises to an all-time low when it comes to next year's budget.

But at what cost? Will there still be campaigns to clean up our borough? Will social services be able to afford to provide care and support for vulnerable people? Will we have enough teachers in our schools? Will our rubbish be recycled? Will we have free child places at our nurseries?

Will the town centres be revamped and improved? Will the crumbling homes be improved and will there even be enough money to pay the staff?

Perhaps more importantly, will we have people willing to invest enough money into Blackburn and Darwen to make our borough thrive?

I think not. Say hello to the future: In return for a freeze on council tax bills, we will have fewer services and less support for those sections of our community that really need it and of course many redundancies at the borough's biggest employer.

Not to mention budget deficits that will affect services for years to come.

This is not what the electorate voted for and they should feel completely let down by the "gang of six" that have created this situation.

J JUMP, Clearwater Village, Darwen.