I READ with much dismay and concern of the six local councillors who resigned last week and wonder how local politics can ever inspire confidence in the voting public, improve or even survive after such appalling and selfish behaviour of a few councillors.

These councillors between them will have many years experience of serving the Labour Party and its aims.

One would have thought that such a record would indicate a belief in a principle, loyalty to a party and a commitment to what that party stands for.

This seems not to be so.

The resources of the Labour Party's election campaign machine were used to fight the campaign that elected these councillors for the residents in their wards, whom they have now betrayed.

The parties to whom they are now making overtures should seriously question the motives, loyalty and reliability of people who have betrayed their own party.

Even more, the parties who may be contemplating entering into an 'unholy alliance' with these people should ask themselves if they want power at any price and without honour or dignity, which I am sure they won't.

No political party should be in power at the expense of democracy as can only be earned through the ballot, otherwise, they do not have the mandate of the voting majority.

PETER DAWSON, Hillside Avenue, Blackburn.