A RAPE charge against a man from Leigh has been dropped after letters from his alleged victim declaring her affection for him were shown to the court.

Daniel O'Brien, formerly of Headles Court, was due to face trial in August, but a judge heard yesterday that no evidence had been offered on the charge.

Miss Nicola Gatto, prosecuting, told Liverpool Crown Court that since O'Brien's last appearance in court last month, the Crown had seen the letters from his alleged victim, who was 13 at the time of the alleged incident.

The letters, which appeared to have been written both before and after the alleged incident, declared the victim's desire to have a relationship with O'Brien, and the prosecution decided to offer no evidence.

The Judge, Recorder Michael Johnson, recorded a not guilty verdict.

O'Brien, aged 22, had pleaded guilty to having unlawful sexual intercourse with the girl when she was aged 13 between June 1 and July 31 last year.

The rape was alleged to have taken place in the same period.

O'Brien was further remanded on bail to await sentence on July 20. Conditions of his bail state that he must reside at his grandparents' home in Diamond Street, Leigh.