A DENTAL practice in Nelson is hoping an ambitious expansion project will provide care for an extra 4,000 patients in the next two years.

Dentistry for All, based in Scotland Road, is already the town's largest NHS practice with 8,000 patients, four full-time dentists and two part-timers.

But a planning application to go before Pendle councillors on Monday could see an extra two treatment rooms created, allowing another two full-time dentists to move into the area.

The application is to extend the surgery into a neighbouring house in Every Street and to create extra room within that house for waiting space.

The two new dentists would be able to take on an additional 4,000 patients over two years if the scheme gets the go-ahead and if negotiations for funding from Burnley Pendle and Rossendale PCT are successful.

Partner Ian Redfern said: "This is potentially a very exciting scheme, especially given the current shortage of NHS dentists in this area.

"We have an opportunity to buy the property next door and we are in discussions with the PCT for funding towards the expansion.

"If everything comes together we will be able to get two more dentists wich would create room for extra patients."

The planning applications will be discussed at a meeting of the Nelson Committee at Nelson Town Hall on Monday at 7pm.