AN angry driver vandalised a disabled police worker's car and threatened him in a road rage row.

Burnley magistrates heard Darryl Hunt, 38, lost his temper on his way to his Nelson gym because he claimed the victim had been tailgating him on the motorway.

He was said to have followed him to a back alley near his home and have kicked his car, shouting: "Come on then."

The court was also told a police sergeant had been so concerned by Hunt's behaviour, he followed the victim as he feared something was going to happen.

Another off-duty police officer also turned up to the scene and the pair had to restrain Hunt.

The accused, who had two previous convictions for public disorder, was given 80 hours' community punishment, with £328.22 compensation and £30 costs.

The defendant, of Fairfield Road, Nelson, admitted threatening, abusive or insulting words or behaviour and damage on March 23.

Teresa Feeley, prosecuting, said the 57-year-old victim walked with a stick. As he drove on the M65, the car in front accelerated, slowed down and the driver made a sex act gesticulation.

He exited the motorway near his home and the accused's car followed. The victim parked up, went to his garden and Hunt stopped and kicked his car.

The policeman then arrived, with the other officer shortly after. The sergeant told Hunt he was under arrest but he started fighting, thrashing about and had to be taken to the floor and handcuffed.

Miss Feeley said the defendant later told police the victim had been driving like a lunatic. He claimed he was "jumped on" in the alley, thrown on his bonnet and beaten up. Hunt alleged he thought he was being attacked by two passers-by.

Rachel Adamson, defending, said Hunt felt he had been tailgated. He denied any deliberate attempt to follow the complainant home.

He accepted he lashed out in anger but was unaware the two officers were the police. Hunt had not been before the court for 13 years and was now married and had a family to support.