BATTLE lines have been drawn over plans to install flood relief equipment in Rishton.

The engineering works would be built on land off Cliff Street, and would protect homes in the Stourton Street area, taking 17 of them off the at risk register.

But residents near the proposed location for a control booth and 6ft-tall ventilation pipe have criticised the scheme, for taking away a green area of land they regard as the centre of their community, and a safe place for children to play.

Now Hyndburn Council bosses have promised to send a 'strong' letter to the county council, which will be deciding whether the plan gets the go-ahead, urging that alternative locations be sought.

The plans were discussed at a meeting of Hyndburn Council's planning committee, attended by a number of Rishton residents.

Speaking on behalf of the residents, Coun Ann Scaife said: "It's no use whatsoever to alleviate one problem to give people in Rishton another. It's a good community, where the kids do play."

The work will be carried out by United Utilities, which will build waterworks underground to hold extra sewage during a flood. Councillors at the planning meeting admitted there may be nowhere else suitable to carry out the engineering.

But Brian Hayes, chairman of the committee, said: "You can rest assured that a strong letter will be sent to the county council."

The county council has said that objections from residents will be taken into account when the scheme is considered at a meeting of its development control committee.

The next meeting is on August 5, but no date has been set to consider United Utilities' plans.