A COLOURFUL new guide for tourists in Rossendale gets an official send-off tomorrow when Rossendale's new Mayor visits the Tourism display at Rossendale Carnival in Bacup.

Councillor June Forshaw will help mark the launch of the 24-page guide which contains a wealth of ideas for visitors to the Valley as well as for locals who want to explore their own town.

Waterskiing in Whitworth, environmental studies in Helmshore, an indoor riding arena in Stonefold big enough to stage international events are just some of Rossendale's hidden gems.

And for visitors there are no fewer than twenty seven places to stay including eight with official Star and Diamond ratings.

Head of Culture for Rossendale Borough Council, Ken Claxon, said: "With the growing importance of tourism to Rossendale, the Visitor Guide is now an annual publication.

"We send out around 7,000 copies a year in response to inquiries, and this year's guide is even bigger and brighter than before."

The guide is also available on-line in the tourism section of the council's website.

Or for the more traditional paperback copy, it's available at Rossendale's Tourist Information Centre, Kay Street, Rawtenstall, libraries, and local leisure centres.