POTENTIALLY lethal sweets that were banned two years ago are still on sale according to Lancashire County Council's trading standards.

Regulations were introduced to ban "Jelly mini-cups" in 2002 after 18 children choked to death worldwide on the sweets, which contain various insoluble gelling agents. But despite being banned these products have recently been found on sale in Lancashire and action taken to remove them from sale.

The jelly is contained in small dome-shaped plastic cups, similar to a coffee-creamer container, with a peel-off foil lid.

Coun Doreen Pollitt, deputy leader of Lancashire County Council, said: "The sweets can pose a serious danger to children and were banned from sale in 2002.

"They are a novelty and can be attractive to small children but they present a serious choking hazard. We are urging parents and shopkeepers to be on the lookout for them and seek advice from our Trading Standards Service if any are discovered."