THE weekly target match was held on Parkers last Friday due to the England's Euro 2004 match against Portugal on Thursday.

Top weight fell to Paul White (3-13-10), closely followed by John Fletcher (3-10-2), third was Mathew Schofield with 1-6-14.

On Sunday, the Hebden Bridge Golden Peg Open was held on the Rochdale Canal, at Moderna.

The canal was at a low level and tench formed the leading weights.

Alan Crook (Fisherman's Way) took top weight with two tench (5-3-0) from peg 287.

In second place was Chris Parkin (Tri Cast Rochdale) also with two tench, from peg 280, to weigh 4-12-0; third was J. Daykin (Hebden Bridge) 3-9-0.

In the Pilsworth Fisheries Monday Open, fished on the bottom ponds, top weight fell to Jonathan Jowett (Drennan NW) with 67-5-0.

In second place was Granville Walker (Fisherman's Way) 32-10-0 and third, Bernard Taylor (Fisherman's Way) 25-11-0.

In the Wednesday Open held at the same venue but on the match lake, Jonathan Jowett repeated his success with 33-4-0.

In second place, Dave Jowett (senior) (Fisherman's Way) 24-2-0, third K. Smith (Royton) 24-0-0 and joint fourth Bernard Taylor and Roy Gough (Fisherman's Way) 13-14-0.

The Bury squad fish the Division One National Championship on July 17.

In the latest Nottingham AA match, fished on the River Trent at Shelford, top weight fell to Neil Smithson (Lines County) 11-5-0 with two bream.

In second place was Lee Morley (Notts AA) 10-14-0. Two bream and one skimmer and third, J. Green (jnr) Notts AA 7-14-0.

The Division Two National Championship will be held on the Basingstoke Canal tomorrow (Saturday).

On the pleasure fishing scene, Mathew Schofield had a 60lb net from the Square Lodge consisting of tench and bream.

The Small Carcass continues to fish well for skimmers while Parkers top lodge has produced carp and tench.


THE Greenhalgh Trophy competition will be held on Cliffe Reservoir this Sunday (July 4), draw time 8.15am.



THE six match summer series, all fished on Island Lodge, commence on Wednesday, July 14. Draw 5.30pm to 6pm, fishing from 6.30 to 9pm.

Junior trophy July 14; Cookes Trophy July 21; Hart Trophy July 28.


ON Wednesday, the club had a working party on Carcass Lodge to improve the banking erosion.

A further working party will be held on the Field Lodge on Wednesday, July 7, to carry out strimming and pruning.

On Saturday, July 10, we have a working party on Cromptons Lodge to tackle the brambles round the pegs and general strimming.

Also a fallen tree across the stream at Coffin Lodge has to be dealt with.