GREAT grandmother Elizabeth Worrall died less than two days after she was targetted by pickpockets.

Sisters Michelle Meecham and Beverley Pollitt say the anguish caused to their mother by the thieves was to blame for a massive heart attack she suffered last Friday.

Mrs Worrall, of Manchester Road, Bury, died less than two days after she had precious family photographs taken by pickpockets on Bury Market.

The 73-year-old was visiting the town centre last Wednesday (14July) to shop for her grandson Declan's sixth birthday.

She was waiting to pay for a card when a large woman aged in her thirties approached and leaned over her bag.

When she came to the counter, Mrs Worrall had noticed that her purse -- which contained cherished pictures of her late husband Geoff -- was gone from her bag.

She was comforted by staff at the Mill Gate Centre, and reported the incident to police.

On Friday morning, soon after breakfast, Mrs Worrall went to see her next door neighbour, a former doctor, suffering from chest pains.

Before anything could be done she had a massive heart attack and, despite paramedics' efforts to resuscitate her, died at home.

Daughter Michelle (35), of Radcliffe Road, said her family were in no doubt that the theft contributed to her mother's sudden death.

She said: "She had spent the next two days being really upset about it. It wasn't about the money but the fact that these photographs had been taken.

"Just before she died she had been reading a letter from victim support about what happened.

"We hope that they feel guilty for what they have done because as far as I am concerned a lady has died through their stupidity and greed."

Police say that shoppers should stay particularly vigilant on market days following a series of pick-pocketing incidents.

A woman, aged in her 50s, was seen with the younger woman who leaned over the bag. Anyone with information about the theft should contact police on 856 8150.