FAIRFIELD'S Special Care Baby Unit has received the gift of a new scanner despite plans to close it.

As reported in last week's Guide, Mrs Pam Walker, of Nuttall Avenue, Whitefield, donated the scanner to the unit using part of the cash legacy left her late father, Mr Harry Green.

The scanner arrived on the same day controversial proposals were announced to close the special care unit and replace it with a 24-hour midwifery-led centre. The ex-Pilkington Park ward councillor is vowing to fight for its survival.

She said: "I am not giving up hope yet. I am getting together with some people who feel the same to try and stop the plans. I know the Fairfield Baby Lifeline Society is holding a meeting in September but that is not soon enough for me.

"The money was left to be spent locally and, although I know all babies deserve to be treated with it, I would prefer for it to stay local and I am writing to the hospital to express that view."

She added: "Fairfield Hospital is not a private hospital. It is publicly funded by our taxes which makes it our hospital. I think this is the tip of the iceberg and that people need to sit up and pay attention to what's happening. If they close the special care unit, what is next?"