THE proposed closure of the highly regarded special care baby unit at Fairfield General will come as a major blow to many families in Rossendale, as well as those in Bury.

News that children requiring emergency specialist care will have to be transferred to North Manchester, will be deeply worrying to many, as time can be the difference between life and death.

The proposal is disgraceful and indicative of a Labour-run NHS, where accountants and managers decide what's best for us and the views of local people are ignored.

We have been promised a "public consultation process" but people will remember that we were also promised "consultation" over local post office closures when, despite huge opposition , they went ahead regardless.

Conservatives in Rossendale and Bury will strongly support the Baby Lifeline Society campaign to keep the unit open and I would urge others to do the same.


Conservative prospective

parliamentary candidate

for Rossendale.