with the Rev Kevin Logan, Vicar of Christ Church, Accrington. . .

LIFE'S a soap opera sometimes. EastEnders moves to Coronation Street for an episode of Home and Away, on location in the sitting room of your life!

Suddenly, you're starring in an OTT drama penned by some cosmic scriptwriter manic for ratings, when all you ever wanted was a decent bit part in life.

This summer is our turn, apparently.

I mentioned last month my wife's cancer. Yesterday was the funeral of a dear friend, also a cancer victim at just 31.

A few days ago I learned that the cancer had got me. Seems I've contracted the old man's version in the prostate. Me in my prime! My Lancashire black humour kicks in, but it's lame. Like many others, we're left mouthing clichs like 'it never rains but it..' poor old me - sob! etcetera.

Meanwhile, onlookers query, "where's this God of yours?" and we too wonder what the grand cosmic scriptwriter's up to. Only then do we begin to remember the ultimate drama of life, more real than any soap. This starts with a Creator who gives us everything; and even stayed with us after we sacked him to become our own gods.

Lovingly, he sent messengers - Moses with 10 commandments; Joshua to lead us to promised lands; David to slay our Goliaths. Tenderly, he came in Jesus to save us. Generously, he gives us his guiding Spirit within today.

Confused? Sure I am. But God isn't. The one who made us and offers to save us knows precisely what's happening.