A SERIES of spot checks on taxis in Pendle has revealed a high rate of compliance with licensing regulations.

All 55 Hackney carriages registered with Pendle Council were inspected by the council's Taxi Enforcement Officer to ensure drivers were complying with the conditions of their licence.

The inspection tested the meter, the 'for hire' light, the first aid kit and the fire extinguisher.

A report to the council's Licensing Committee, said the checks found only three cabs having faults. These were the meter not working in one cab, one was missing a first aid kit and another a fire extinguisher.

The drivers were ordered to comply with the regulations within 24 hours which further checks proved they did.

The report, which the committee will consider when it meets on Tuesday, concludes: "The inspection was well received by the drivers who were fully cooperative.

"The result shows a high rate of compliance with the licence conditions."